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A reason for Thanksgiving day is to set aside time to be thankful. Even at the worst of times when it seems like life could not get any worse, we can always find something to be thankful for.

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Q: What is a reason for Thanksgiving?
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What was the original reason thanksgiving was celebrated?

to give thanks

What was the reason for holding a Thanksgiving celebration?

The first ever Thanksgiving celebration was held on 1621. It was a feast after a successful growing and harvesting season.

What was the reason of the 1st Thanksgiving?

The first Thanksgiving was celebrated by the Pilgrims to express their gratitude for having survived the difficulties of colonizing a new land.

What was the original reason for George Washington to establish the first national Thanksgiving day?

Because the pilgrims shared a meal with the Indians and then that became thanksgiving

What is the difference between pilgrim's Thanksgiving and present day Thanksgiving?

The pilgrims had a reason to give thanks, nowadays it's just a big jamboree.

Traditional Thanksgiving meal?

A tradional Thanksgiving meal usually has turkey, mash potatoes, stuffing, corn, and cranberries. There reason for that is because it is a tradition the pilgrims established at the first Thanksgiving. Pie is a hit or miss. Your thanksgiving will probably be the same with or with out pie.

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For Thanksgiving dinner, yes. For any other reason, no.

Is Thanksgiving celebrated only in the US?

No, it is celebrated in other countries such as Canada.The basis to Thanksgiving in America are unrelated to the other Thanksgiving holidays. The reason it is unrelated is because Thanksgiving was to celebrate the co mingling and help the native Americans gave to the Pilgrims. By showing them how to make a crop live long enough to be fruit full. So in Essenes thanksgiving is only an American holiday.

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What is the reason for holding a Thanksgiving celebration?

The reason for the Pilgrims holding the first Thanksgiving celebration was to give thanks for a good harvest and having made it to the New World in 1621. Americans continue to celebrate this national day remembering the Pilgrims and also to give thanks for their bounty.

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Why is Thanksgiving in the same month as Halloween?

First of all thanks giving is spelled like this Thanksgiving. Second of all Thanksgiving is in the same mouth of Halloween because they are both in the Fall and you are thanking God for food. Halloween-Candy Thanksgiving- Turkey,pie,bread,stuffing,mashed poatatoes.