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Rebound RelationshipsA "rebound relationship" is one in which a person becomes overly quick to commit to a new partner after having experienced an upsetting breakup or divorce. People who have breakups and then immediatley involved themselves with someone else seem to feel the need to prove to themselves they are worthy of love and affection. They may miss the comfort and affection of a regular relationship. But whatever the reason is, it is a selfish reason, one that is based on serving the self esteem and satisfying feeling of personal worth. "Someone loves me and needs me." It can also be to affirm "I wasn't At Fault in the breakup, this relationship will prove that." Most of these rebound relationships are not permanent, and they can be even more destructive than the earlier breakup.

Here is some more advice:

  • Definitely, in my experience a rebound is getting involved before resolving the effects of a break-up. A rebound puts a band aid on the misery and then shoves it away since there is now someone to love and be loved by.
  • I think the wisest course of action for the newly separated or divorced is just to be alone for a while, as long as it takes, until we've gotten rid of our ex-partners from our hearts, completely, and know who we really are. You need to make slow progress towards wholeness, not hiding from the pain when it comes.
  • I met a man who wanted to use me as his rebound. He was very anxious to see me again after we first met, and I didn't know about his situation at first. One strange thing was that he wasn't very interested in sex. Instead he wanted to hold me all the time, like he was missing closeness. I had a strange fake feeling when he held me so tight. I was doubting if it was really me he was holding. I wished I could help him, but I decided to go with my instinct and end it.
  • A rebound relationship is when the man or women is still suffering pain from an ex and decides to get involved right away to someone new so that they can distract themselves from their pain. It is counterproductive because a new partner won't take away that pain, they can only soothe the pain until he or she completely heals. When they do heal, they will no longer need or appreciate the reboundee's comfort.
  • Be very careful about dating divorced men and make sure you are not one of the first relationships they have after the divorce. Spare yourself the pain.
  • Be cautious when you know someone recently got out of a relationship. Don't let your guard down and take things extremely slow. And for those who have recently been through a gut-wrenching breakup, always remember that no matter how miserable you may feel life goes on and there are a lot of people out there ready to make you happy.
  • A rebound is kinda like picking up the pieces after someone gets their heart broken. You have to comfort the person until they start to like you for you.
  • A rebounder will not necessarily know they're using you. As the rebound person, you need to be the stronger person. Be in control of the situation, and be straightforward and honest with your rebounder. Most importantly, if you want it to succeed, never pressure that person. Show them how strong you are and how serious you are about not wanting to be a rebound. If they see it from your perspective (and not their own), they may end up thinking twice before hurting you. Oh yes, one last thing: keep in mind that if you have been dumped as a rebound, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. The rebounder is the one who has the issues.
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Rebound in your love life means when you date too soon after a breakup. It is dangerous to date right away as the relationship doesn't usually last and the person is just filling an empty space.

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What does rebound guy mean?

Recently out of a relationship & on the rebound.

What is a rebound in a relationship?

a rebound in a relationship is when u have someone to go out with rite after u det dumped or break up with the person ur with

Can a rebound relationship also be defined as one entered into by the person who ended the prior relationship or does the term just apply to the person who was rejected?

A rebound relationship can be either person.

Will he last in his rebound relationship if he really loves me?

no his relationship wont last!

Are you a rebound?

if you feel that a person is with you because they came out of a relationship, and know that you'll say "yes", then you're a rebound

Word for new relationship right after end of a long relationship?

Rebound and they rarely last, except for mine.

Your ex is marrying his rebound relationship?

more details are needed to make an accurate answer.

How do you change from being a rebound to a real relationship?

stop sleeping with random people!!!

How do you avoid rebound relationships?

That depends on whether you're on the rebound and trying to avoid new relationships, or you don't want to be a rebound relationship. If you've recently broken up with someone and want to avoid jumping into another relationship you need to remember to stay strong and understand that you need time and space to heal. Yes, having someone there right away may feel good and right, but that could be because you're used to having someone there all the time. Just relax and take your time when looking for/ entering a new relationship. If you don't want to be a rebound relationship, and someone who is on the rebound is interested in you, you should make it clear to them that you don't want to be a rebound, and that if you want a relationship with them, then you should wait a little bit to make sure this is what both people want. Don't rush into things. Take our time.

What is the word for the temporary relationship that many men have between a divorce and a lasting new relationship?

Could be rebound, transitional, fling or even lonely.

When was Love on the Rebound created?

"Love on the Rebound" is a phrase that originated in the English language, and it does not refer to a specific creation or artwork. It is commonly used to describe a person who quickly enters into a new romantic relationship after the end of a previous one.

Are men more likely to get involved in a rebound relationship than women?

I would say its 50/50.