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Q: What is a recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?
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What maintenance is recommended for a inboard boat?

It is recommended to replace engine and hull zincs if they are deteriorating or corroded.

What is the recommended maintenance for a inboard boat?

It is recommended to replace engine and hull zincs if they are deteriorating or corroded.

Is recommend maintenance for a inboard boat?

It is recommended to replace engine and hull zincs if they are deteriorating or corroded.

What are recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?

Deteriorated engine and hull zincs should be replaced if corroded

Which type of the following is recommended maintenance for an inboard boat?

deteriorated engine and hull zincs should be replaced if corroded

Recommend maintenance for an inboard boat?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

Is recommend maintenance for an inboard boat?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

What is recommended maintenance for an inboard?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

What is recommended for an inboard boat?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

Is recommended for an inboard boat?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

What is recommended maintenance for inboard boats?

Those things recommended by a competent marine engineer. For the layman, everything listed in the safety manual.

What is recommended for the general maintenance for your boat?

General maintenance recommended for your boat include replacing hull and engine zincs if they are corroded or deteriorating. It is also important that you change the oil every few months.