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It has to do something with nuc safety. there's alot of info out there y not Google it?

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A redundant system in a nuclear power plant is a backup system or component that is in place to ensure continued safety and functionality in case the primary system or component fails. Redundant systems are essential to maintaining the overall safety and reliability of a nuclear power plant.

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How is nuclear power plant's fuel made?

Nuclear power plant fuel, also known as nuclear fuel, is made by enriching naturally occurring uranium to increase the concentration of the fissile isotope U-235. This enriched uranium is then fabricated into ceramic pellets, usually made of uranium dioxide, which are stacked into fuel rods. These fuel rods are then assembled into fuel assemblies that are used in the nuclear reactor core for power generation.

What produces nuclear energy everyday?

Nuclear energy is produced daily by nuclear power plants through the process of nuclear fission, where the nucleus of an atom is split to release energy. This energy is then used to generate electricity by heating water to produce steam, which drives turbines connected to generators.

Use the word nuclear in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.The nuclear reactor provides energy for our state.The nuclear family is becoming less common.Scientists studied the nuclear reaction.

What are the elements used to make the nuclear power plant?

Key elements used in a nuclear power plant include uranium fuel rods for fission reactions, control rods for regulating the reaction, a reactor vessel to contain the reaction, coolant (such as water or gas) to transfer heat, a turbine to generate electricity, and a containment building for safety.

Compare and contrast coal and nuclear power plant?

Coal and nuclear power plants are both used to generate electricity, but they differ in terms of energy source and environmental impact. Coal power plants burn coal to produce heat, while nuclear power plants use nuclear reactions to generate heat. Nuclear power plants produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to coal plants, but they create radioactive waste that needs to be carefully stored. Coal power plants are cheaper to build and operate, but they contribute to air pollution and climate change.

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Existing nuclear power plant?

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Where is the Nuclear Fission Power plant in Alaska?

There is no nuclear power plant in Alaska.

What kind of fallout will we see from a nuclear power plant?

Nuclear Fallout comes from a nuclear power plant.

Why build nuclear power plants beside big bodies of water?

For the cooling system of the power plant

Where is the method of producing electricity from a nuclear power plant used?

In a nuclear power plant

What is the name of the nuclear power plant that expoded in 1986?

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

Is a nuclear power plant same as nuclear power station?

Yes, it generally is but a nuclear plant could refer to nuclear reactors which are basically the things that produce the power. So in essence, yes, a nuclear plant is the same thing as a nuclear power station

In a nuclear power plant excess heat is?

In a nuclear power plant, excess heat is typically removed using a cooling system, such as water or gas, to prevent overheating of the reactor core. This excess heat is generated from the nuclear fission process that occurs within the reactor. Proper heat removal is essential to maintain safe and stable operation of the nuclear power plant.

When was Taishan Nuclear Power Plant created?

Taishan Nuclear Power Plant was created in 2013.

When was Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant created?

Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant was created in 1966.

When was Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant created?

Fuqing Nuclear Power Plant was created in 2013.