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Q: What is a reference point assumed to be besides not moving?
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What is a reference point assumed to be?

not moving.

Can moving objects be a reference point?

No because enable to see if the object is moving it needs a reference point other than itself.

Why is it important know if your reference point is moving?

It's important to know that you reference point is moving because if an object is in motion and if it changes position it is relevant to a reference point.

Why is it important to know that your reference point is moving?

If your reference point it moving, then it cannot be considered a reference point. Your reference point should be something constant. Something that can be relative to any situation. If it moves, you lose this relativity.

In a moving elevator you are not moving from the reference point of the?

elevator itself.

Which state should a reference point be to be used to determine?

The reference point should be stationary, or not moving.

Which state should a reference point be in to be used to determine motion?

The reference point should be stationary, or not moving.

Which state should a reference point be in to used to determine motion?

The reference point should be stationary, or not moving.

What is the best reason for not using a moving car as a reference point?

A moving object can not be used a a reference point because it has no fixed position.

Is the trajectory of a moving point does not on the chosen reference?

Yes it is

Motion in comparison to a reference point?

Motion is always compared to a reference point. If you and some friends are driving in a car at 60 mph from your reference point your friends do not appear to be moving, but if you are standing at the side of the road as the car goes by the passengers will appear to be moving at 60 mph.

When an object is seen moving in relation to a stationary object is called the frame of reference or reference point?

When an object is seen moving in relation to a stationary object is called the frame of reference