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Q: What is a region of high pressure in a sound wave?
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What is a sound wave of a high pressure called?

A sound wave with high sound pressure (amplitude) or high sound particle displacement (amplitude) is a sound wave that has a high loudness.

What is the high point on a sound wave?

The high point on a sound waveform is the point of maximum pressure, the pressure peak.

What is the region of a sound wave in which the density and the pressure are greater than normal?


Is a sound wave a electromaginic wave?

No. A sound wave is a pressure wave.

What is ultrasonic wave?

An ultrasonic wave is a sound pressure wave that has a very high frequency. The frequency is higher that what humans can hear.

What causes a sound wave?

the alternating areas of quickly moving high and low pressure

The portion of a sound wave where the particles of the medium are pressed together is called?

The region of compression is where all the particles of the medium are closer to each other than usual. In a sound wave that usually means that the pressure in that area of compression is slightly greater than the mean pressure of the material in which the sound wave is traveling.

How is the pressure variation in a sound wave amplified in human ear?

how is the pressure varition in a sound wave amplified in human ear

How does the vibration of a drumhead cause a sound wave to form?

As the drum head moves one way, it disturbs the air molecules near it, causing some of them to bunch closer together, increasing the pressure. This higher pressure area starts to affect the air molecules near it, so the high pressure area starts to move away. When the drum head moves in the other way, air molecules will move toward it to fill the space created. This makes a low pressure region. The alternating high and low pressure regions is the sound wave, traveling through the air.

The less dense region of a compression wave is called?

The less dense areas created as a sound wave propagates are called rarefactions.

A region of decreased pressure in a longitudinal wave?

Puss on you

What is a region increased pressure in a longitudinal wave?
