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Rest assured means to be certain, to rest easy in the knowledge that, or to be consoled that the mentioned fact or circumstance is true. It has become such a popular idiom that many companies use it in their slogans such as Rest Assured System, and Rest Assured MC.

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Q: What is a response to someone who says rest assured?
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No. The correct phrase is "the pleasure is all mine", but this is not an appropriate response to "thank you". "The pleasure is all mine" is a polite and gracious response that can be used when the other person indicates pleasure. For example, if someone says, "It was a pleasure talking to you" or "It was a pleasure meeting you", you can respond with "The pleasure was all mine." If someone says "thank you", the traditional response is "You're welcome."

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What do you say when someone says you are in their will?

It means usually that when they die, you will be close and in ther dreams. They will be near you or thinking of you in their Will . Hope this helps! :D When someone says you are in their will, the polite response is, " Thank you for thinking of me, but you know you will always be in my heart [ or memory ] no matter what. "