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a right temporal lower quadrant defect

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Flordeliza Villareal

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2y ago

pituitary microadenoma

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Q: What is a right temporal lower quadrant defect of the head?
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What right lower quadrant's pain and leg pain have to do with appendicitis?

right quadrant.

What quadrant is the liver is located?

The gall bladder is in the right upper quadrant of the body..

What are the four quadrants?

Right and left upper quadrant and right and left lower quadrant

What organs are in the lower right quadrant of the peritoneal cavity?

Organs in the lower right quadrant of the peritoneal cavity include the appendix, part of the cecum, and the right ovary and fallopian tube in females. In males, the lower right quadrant also contains the right ureter.

What are nine abdominopelvic regions and the location of each?

the 9 abdominopelvic regions are: 1 epigastric - located in the right upper quadrant 2 right hypochondriac - located in the right upper quadrant 3 umbilical - located centrally in the right/left quadrant 4 right lumbar - located in right lower quadrant 5 hypogastric located in right lower quadrant 6 right iliac - located in right lower quadrant 7 left hypochondriac - left upper quadranrt 8 left lumbar - left lumbar - left lower quadrant 9 left iliac - left lower quadrant

How would a doctor listen for bowel sounds?

On the four quadrants of the abdominal wall.

What does LRQ mean?

Lower right quadrant

How many parts the abdomen is divide into?

Four quadrants. Patient's left upper quadrant, right upper quadrant, left lower, and right lower.

Name two organs found in the right lower quadrant?

cecum, appendix, part of the small intestines, the right reproductive organs, and the right ureter.

The appendix is located in which of the abdominopelvic quadrants?

the lower quadrant !More specifically, the RIGHT lower quadrant. If using the "Nine Abdominal Regions" reference zones, the appendix sits in the Right Iliac or Inguinal Region.Right lower quadrant.

Pain in the lower right abdominal area is described as being in the right?

In the right lower quadrant (RLQ)

Which quadrant of the abdominal area will usually be painful if a person has an inflamed appendix?

right lower quadrant