

What is a rip current and how does it flow in the ocean?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is a rip current and how does it flow in the ocean?
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What are the two types of ocean currents?

deep currents streamlike movement of water that flow very slowly along the ocean floor. surface current can influence the climate of land are they flow past.

How does a rip current form?

A rip current forms when water breaks through the sandbar and begins to flow back down the sloping ocean bottom. (as a sandbar is growing it can trap water flowing along the shore)

How does a rip form?

A rip current forms when water breaks through the sandbar and begins to flow back down the sloping ocean bottom. (as a sandbar is growing it can trap water flowing along the shore)

Name an unseen ocean current which is dangerous to surfers and swimmers?

? rip current ?

What do you do if your in a rip current?

Swim parallel to the ocean shore until clear of the current

What is a strong ocean current that run perpendicular to the shoreline down called?

Rip current

What are ocean currents that suddenly appear and disappear?

rip current

How do the currents flow in the ocean?

The Current in the ocean spins in a circle.

Where do ocean current flow near to?


What is the flow of a stream of water either in a river or through an ocean?

It is called an ocean current or a river current. :)

What is the difference between ocean current and rip current?

Ocean currents are currents that move across the globe from one temperature zone to another. Rip currents are localized currents caused by a combination of tides and waves agains the shore line where the water is shallow.

What flow near the bottom of the ocean and sometimes flow on top of other currents?

Turbidity Current.