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Q: What is a rock containing organic debris?
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What are some examples of organic rock?

Organic sedimentary rocks include organic debris in them. Coal and limestone are two examples. Calcite is another organic rock.

Which type of soil would have the BEST resistance to wind erosion?

And I quote, "soil containing lots of organic matter and debris" :)

What are organic debris?

Organic debris are debris in nature that have come to be from plants and animals that live in the ecosystem. For example, a destroyed tree from lightning that has died and is decomposing, this is considered to cause organic debris.

After a rock breaks down the materials that are left combine with organic materials to form?

Soil is produced when organic materials (humus, compost, leaf-mould, etc) is added to the fine-grained debris of rock erosion.

What is lampblack Is it organic?

it is carbom containing material and is organic

What is an organic substance?

An organic is something containing carbon.

What kind of rock is formed by compression of successive layers of soil?

Sedimentary rocks are created when layers of debris are compacted and cemented together. These types of rocks are also known as secondary rocks because they often result from fragments of other rocks being cemented together. The type of sedimentary rock you seem to be asking about is organic. Organic sedimentary rock is formed when the sedimentary debris is compiled through organic processes. For example rocks forming as succesive layers of substrate pile onto one another and compact over time.

Where did the name Organic chemistry come from?

organic refers to all molecules containing carbon.. organic chemistry is the study of all carbon containing molecules

Is biochemistry the study of carbon containing compounds?

No.... organic Chemistry is the study of carbon containing compounds.

What kind of rock is an organic rock?

Anthracite could be considered an organic metamorphic rock as its protolith is bituminous coal, an organic sedimentary rock.

What is a word for fallen rock debris?

If you are looking for the crossword puzzle answer, another name for fallen rock debris is scree.

What is an organic compound radiotracers?

This is an organic compound containing a radioactive isotope.