

What is a sacred ibis?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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A sacred ibis is a species of wading bird, Latin name Threskiornis aethiopicus, which formerly bred in Egypt, where it was often mummified as a symbol of the Egyptian god Thoth.

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What is an African sacred ibis?

An African sacred ibis is another name for the sacred ibis, a species of wading bird in the ibis family, Latin name Threskiomis aethiopicus.

When was Malagasy Sacred Ibis created?

Malagasy Sacred Ibis was created in 1855.

When was African Sacred Ibis created?

African Sacred Ibis was created in 1790.

What was the sacred bird of ancient Egypt?

The Ibis. During some periods they were even mummified.

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Thoth's sacred animal, I'm pretty sure, is an ibis. An ibis is an Egyptian bird.

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What is the sacred bird Egypt?

An ibis.

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What is an African wading bird called?

Sacred Ibis

What is an ibis mummy?

An ibis mummy is a mummified ibis bird (sacred to the god Thoth). Generally thee birds were given as votive offerings to the Gods.

What bird is on the Egyptian flag?

Several different types of bird had religious significance because of their association with gods and goddesses.The ibis (hieroglyphs: gmwt, black ibis; hby, white ibis) was sacred to the god Thoth, who is sometimes shown with the head of an ibis.The hawk (hieroglyphs tnHr) was a symbol of both Horus and Montu, two gods connected with the sun.Both ibis and hawks were sometimes mummified.

What is the life cycle of the white ibis?

I would guess it would be the same as the sacred ibis and the scarlet ibis which is up to 15 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.