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Q: What is a scenario in which a scientist might use both relative and absolute methods of dating?
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What would be the two methods of dating fossils and explain each?

relative and absolute. relative is determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age. Absolute is the process of determining an approximate computed age in archaeology and geology.

What are two of determining a fossils age?

The two methods are "RELATIVE DATING" and "ABSOLUTE DATING". :)

What is a similarity to relative and absolute dating?

They are both methods of discovering the age of an object.They both are methods used in archaeology and geology.

What is the similarity between absolute and relative dating?

both have methods of descovering the age of an object or event.

What are two ways geologists determine the age of fossils?

The two methods are "RELATIVE DATING" and "ABSOLUTE DATING". :)

What are 3 examples that apply to both relative dating and absolute dating?

Relative dating and absolute dating are both used as terms in geology. These are both considered as methods to determine the age of an object. Also both are terms used in archaeology.

How does relative dating and absolute dating help scientists assemble a fossil record for an area?

Relative dating is the science determining the relative order of past events, without necessarily determining their absolute age Absolute dating is the process of determining an approximate computed age in archaeology and geology.

What four methods can be used to increase a non-profit organization's surplus?

Are absolute surplu value,relative surplus vslue capitalist production and exchange value methods to increase an organization's surplus

How can you determine the absolute age of an igneous rock?

Relative age can be determined using superposition and cross-cutting relationships. Absolute age can only be determined using radiometric dating methods, such as Rb-Sr.

What are the similarity's between absolute and relative dating?

They are both methods of discovering the age of an object. They both are methods used in Archaeology and geology. They are both guesses. How many times "pun" has times of objects been, revised, corrected, rejected as infinitum Vic.?

How do you determine the age of igneous rocks?

Relative age can be determined using superposition and cross-cutting relationships. Absolute age can only be determined using radiometric dating methods, such as Rb-Sr.

What is the similarity between absolute ans relative dating?

It is the method of descovering the methodof the age of something... I think it is the age of the fossil u are trying to find out