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Q: What is a scientific context for comet?
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What is Halley's Comet's scientific name?

Halley's Comet's scientific name is 1P/Halley, where "P" stands for periodic comet. It was named after the astronomer Edmond Halley, who predicted its return in 1705 based on historical observations.

How do supertitious about comet asteriods andmeteors have scientific basis?

They don't. By definition, a superstition does not have a scientific basis.

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What year is comet kachina expected to ar?

Some say Comet Kachina is expected to arrive in November 2013, but there is no scientific proof of this.

Why there is no scientific basis about comet and asteroid?

There is a scientific basis. Asteroids and comets have been direct;y observed and studied.

What is the difference between a comet's common and scientific name?

The names of comets vary by where you are, but the scientific name is always the same.

Is kermillian comet real and if it is when will it occur now?

There is no known celestial object named the "kermillian comet." It is possible you may be referring to a fictional comet from a book or movie. If you provide more context, I can help clarify further.

The tail of a comet can be up to 45100000 kilometers long What is 45100000 written in scientific notation?

45,100,000 in Scientific Notation = 4.51 x 107

What is the other views and scientific explanation of comet's?

ambot ninyo dli diay mo ka answer

Mark twain life and death coincided with what scientific event?

Mark Twain's life and death coincided with Halley's Comet. He was born in 1835, the year Halley's Comet made an appearance, and he died in 1910, shortly after the comet's next scheduled return. Twain famously predicted that he would die when the comet returned.

What is the scientific name of twats?

The scientific name for the human vulva or vagina is "vulva" or "vagina." It is not appropriate to use the term "twat" in a scientific context.

What is the scientific name of basak?

There isn't a specific scientific name for "basak" as it could refer to different plants or species depending on the region or context. It would be necessary to provide more specific information or context to determine the correct scientific name for "basak."