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my best friend is Hannah sorry.

I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

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Q: What is a semi-tone and tone?
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Related questions

What is the order of tones and semitones in a minor scale?

Tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone + semitone, semitone.

What are the steps in a major scale?

tone, tone, semitone, tone tone, tone, semitone

What is the pattern of tone and semitone in a major scale?

Tone, Tone, Semitone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Semitone.

Which arrangement makes of the major C scale?

tone tone semitone tone tone tone semitone

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What are tones of the scale separated by?

The tones within a scale are divided by either tones or semitones. In a major scale, the order always goes: tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. For a minor scale, in natural form, the order always goes: tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone.

How do you get from a semitone to a tone and how do you get from a tone to semitone in music?

From e natural to f natural is a semitone. To make this a tone, raise the f to f sharp, or alternatively lower the e to e flat.

What are the music notes in A minor harmonic?

The A harmonic minor scale uses 1 sharp on the seventh degree, that would be a G♯, and you play the G♯ both when ascending and descending. The sequence of tones and semitones in a harmonic minor scale are as follows: Tone Semitone Tone Tone Semitone, Tone-and a half, Semitone. In A minot this is A (up a tone), B (up a semitone), C (up a tone), D (up a tone), E (up a semitone), F (up a tone-and-a-half), G♯ (up a semitone), A.

How are major scales made?

Tone Tone Semitone Tone Tone Tone Semitone, is always the gap between notes in any major scale, which is why most scales need sharps or flats. For example, C major is: C - up a tone - D - up a tone - E - up a semitone - F - up a tone - G - up a tone - A - up a tone - B - up a semitone - C.

Why is the prefix of tone?

semi is a prefix that can used with tone -- semitone

How many tones does a C major scale have?

All major scales follow the pattern - tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. Therefore, C major has 5 tones and 2 semitones.

How many steps are in a major scale?

There are eight notes (steps) in a major musical scale. If whole steps are tones and half steps are semitones, then the order is tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone.