

What is a sense of touch?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a sense of touch?
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What is related to sense of touch?

Sense of fell is related to sense of touch.

Is touch a chemical sense?

Touch is actually not considered to be a chemical sense. Touch is actually considered to be a physical type sense.

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Sense of touch

What is lack of sense of touch?

Generally not being able to sense touch is called Neuropathy.

What is the medical term meaning diminished sense of touch?

Hypoesthesia is the term of a diminished sense of touch.

What is a sense used when handling something?

The sense of touch is used when handling something. It allows us to feel the texture, weight, temperature, and shape of objects.

How can you protect your sense of touch?

avoid touch a dirty thing

What is the central sense in human existence?

The central sense in human existence is often considered to be the search for meaning and purpose in life. Many people strive to find a sense of fulfillment, connection, and significance through relationships, experiences, and personal growth. This quest for meaning can drive individuals to seek out deeper understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and their impact on others.

What is a sense appeal?

A sense appeal is when you let someone touch you ;)

What is your largest sense organ?

The human body has five sense organs: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. The largest sense organ is touch, which involves the skin.

What is crude touch?

the opposite of fine touch, so it will be a more rough sense of touch. E!

Do dolphins have a sense of touch?
