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Here's a good one! (I can't believe they haven't answered this question yet!)

The child felt ill beacause he had recently digested dog hair.

Laugh if you want too! ;-)

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12y ago
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12y ago

The food my mom gave me was digestible and very delicious I might add.

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11y ago

they used digestion in a sentence

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Q: What is a sentence for digested?
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How can you use digested in a sentence?

As a verb. I digested the answer thoroughly.

What is a sentence for the word digest?

Here are some sentences.We digested our meal.Food is digested in the stomach.

How do you use large intestine in a sentence?

The large intestine removes water from mostly digested foods.

How does the pizza get digested?

It is digested the same way your other food are digested.

Where glycyrol digested?

It can not be digested because it is the final digested form of fats

Can anything be digested?

No not all things can be digested for instance not all parts of corn can be digested.

What happen to the food digested is it completely digested by the body?

not completely digested,and when digested the useful materials are absorbed mostly by the lining of small intestine.

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Protein is digested by resting

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Which nutrient is digested by ptyalin?

Starch is digested by ptyalin.

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Are all nutrients digested?

no.cellulose cannotbe digested