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The ants were in an excited, frenzied state because they found food.

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What is a sentence for frenzy?

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A sentence for frenzy?

Example sentence - They were worked into such a frenzy over the flooding of the valley.

Make a sentence with the word frenzy?

The shoppers were in a frenzy trying to grab the latest items on sale at the store.

What is a sentence with the word frenzy in it?

The crowd worked themselves into a frenzy during the concert, waving their arms and shouting with excitement.

Can you put frenzy in a sentence?

the scientists watched the sharks carefully during their feeding frenzy after throwing meat into the sea.

Use the word frenzy in a sentence?

There was a frenzy among many when the news of 9/11 spread.

How can you use frenzy in a sentence?

The school was in a frenzy of cleaning and fixing up for the presidents daughters first day of school. The girl was in a frenzy when she found out she was going to see Justin Bieber up close.

Demonized in a sentence?

The dog was in such a barking frenzy that you would assume she was demonized.

What is an example sentence with the word frenzy?

Patricia was cleaning her house in frenzy, because her parents were coming to eat dinner.

How many Farm Frenzy games are there?

there are 11 farm frenzy games.Farm frenzy 1farm frenzy 2farm frenzy 3farm frenzy: pizza partyfarm frenzy: ancient Romefarm frenzy 3: American piefarm frenzy 3: ice agefarm frenzy 3: Russian roulettefarm frenzy 3: Madagascarfarm frenzy: gone fishingfarm frenzy: viking heroesFarm Freny Hurricane SeasonFarm Frenzy IncFarm Frenzy Heave Ho

What part of speech is frenzy?

Frenzy is a noun.

What does consumer frenzy?

consumer is me and frenzy is piranhas

When did Fresno Frenzy end?

Fresno Frenzy ended in 2002.