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The candidates for President engaged in an acrimoniousdebate.

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Q: What is a sentence for the word acrimonious?
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How do you write a sentence using the word acrimonious?

She had an acrimonious argument with her husband.

Make a sentence with the word 'acrimonious' and include context clues?

The acrimonious debate between the two politicians left the audience feeling uncomfortable due to the bitterness and hostility in their arguments.

What is a word that you could use in place of the word acrimonious?

The word acrimonious is defined as having a bitter tone or using sharp language. Acrimonious can easily be replaced by other words such as hostile, sarcastic or spiteful.

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What is the word that means bitter of speech?

The word you are looking for is "acrimonious."

What does acrimonious mean?

(Acrimonious is an adjective meaning hostile, bitter, or hateful.)During the campaign, the politicians engaged in acrimonious debate, accusing each other of gross misdeeds.The impudent question received an acrimonious reply from the professor.

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Which of the following words is a context clue in the sentence above that best shows the meaning of acrimonious?


What does acromonious mean?

Acrimonious adj. Bitter and sharp in language or tone; rancorous: an acrimonious debate between the two candidates

The coach and the captain of the team have an relationship ever since they started disagreeing about the starting lineup?

acrimonious For APEX :)

What is a synonym for the word pungent?

acrimonious penetrating provocative stimulating sarcastic stringent trenchant

What is the noun form of acrimonious?

The noun form of "acrimonious" is "acrimoniousness."