

What is a sentence for the word outrun?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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the boy outrun his shoes

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Q: What is a sentence for the word outrun?
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It is not possible for a human to outrun an adult cheetah. The possible side effects of the drug limited its acceptance.

What part of speech is outrunning?

The word outrunning is a verb. It is the present participle of outrun.

Is outwit one word?

Yes, it is. The word out- is used as a prefix to mean "exceed." Similar words are outrun, outlast, and outthink.

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Outrun the Sky was created in 2003.

When was To Outrun Doomsday created?

To Outrun Doomsday was created in 1967.

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Turbo Outrun happened in 1989.

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The subtle differences in the shading of the bushes made it very difficult to spot the cheetah, but I knew that I could never outrun him.

How many pages does To Outrun Doomsday have?

To Outrun Doomsday has 159 pages.

When was Outrun the Sun created?

Outrun the Sun was created on 2010-11-19.

When was Turbo Outrun created?

Turbo Outrun was created on 1989-02-11.

When did OutRun Online Arcade happen?

OutRun Online Arcade happened in 360.