

Best Answer

A count noun is a noun that has a singular and a plural form.

Example sentences:

  • My neighbor who grows roses gave me a rose for my table.
  • This house is the largest of all the houses we've looked at.
  • All of the puppies were brown except one puppywas spotted.
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Q: What is a sentence using a count noun?
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What is the count noun for the sentence you have an orange?

In the sentnece, "You have an orange.", the count noun is orange. In this sentence, it is just one orange (indicated by the article 'an'), but it could be two oranges, or many oranges.

When you write down a question will it still count as a sentence?

Yes, it counts as a sentence, as long as you have a noun, subject, or verb.

How can make sentence using noun?

A noun is a word that is a person, place or thing.

What can a noun be?

A noun can be a person, place, or thing. A noun can be the subject of a sentence or a clause, and the object of a verb or a preposition. A noun can be: singular or plural common or proper abstract or concrete possessive collective compound count and non-count (mass) a gerund (verbal noun)

A sentence using a noun?

The use of the word in the sentence derminates the part of speech

What is a sentence using intrigue as a noun?

The intrigue killed him.

What is a sentence using snowboarding as a noun?

Snowboarding is an exciting sport.

When to use capitalization?

When using a proper noun, or begining a sentence

What is a sentence using mouse as a noun?

The mouse went that way.

Is cloth is uncountable noun?

No, the noun cloth is a count noun; the plural form is cloths. Example sentence: He uses three wash cloths every time he showers.

Is carpet a count or non count noun?

It is a count noun.

Are peas count or non count noun?

The noun peas is the plural form for the singular noun pea, a count noun.