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Thanks to limited government, the President has to follow the laws just like everyone else.

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Q: What is a sentence using the term 'limited government'?
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What are synonyms and antonyms of limited government?

An antonym for the term limited government is interventionist government. Federalism can be considered a synonym of the term limited government.

What does the constitution state about limited government?

The term "limited government" is not found in the U.S. Constitution, but the concept is.

What term declares that the states shall keep all powers not granted to the national government?

"Limited Government" or a government of "Limited Powers"

What term best describes an autocracy that is not all-powerful?

the government is ruled by one person. limited government-A+

What term best describes an autocracy that is not all powerful?

the government is ruled by one person. limited government-A+

Can you show me a sentence using the term parliamentary democracy?

the people elected the Parliament for the parliamentary democracy (i know its not the best sentence but its still a sentence using the term)

Can you write a sentence using the word it is?

It is entirely possible to write a sentence using the term 'it is'.

Limited government be found in the constitution?

The term "limited government" may not be found in the Constitution, but the concept of limited government is established in the Constitution by means of the definitions of the powers of the branches of the Government. Each branch has specified responsibilities and powers, and may not exceed those responsibilities and powers under the terms of the Constitution. In other words, the Constitution says what the Government should do, and that's all it can do. That's limited government. The Preamble of the Constitution explicitly gives the power of our government to "We the People". The fifth article gives "We the People" the right to amend the Constitution,ergo the government is not limited except by the will of the majority governed.The term "limited government"is illogical and not implied.

What is a sentence using the term plate?

I ate dinner on a plate.

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He is known to be a benign supervisor.

What is the term for a government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers?

A confederation is a form of government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers

What is the term for a government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level and the central government has very weak and limited powers?

A confederation is a form of government where power is concentrated at the regional or provincial level at the central government has very weak and limited powers