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We have a very close group of friends and solidarity among us is strong.

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Q: What is a sentence using the word solidarity?
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What is an example of a sentence using the word solidarity?

The community showed great solidarity by coming together to support the local food bank during the pandemic.

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If we all show our solidarity on this issue, management will be more likely to listen to our complaint.

How do you make a sentence with solidarity?

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How would you use solidarity in a sentence?

Solidarity means unity or aggrement. They had a feeling of solidarity after their workout together.

What is a sentence using the word not?

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How do you you solidarity in a sentence?

I stand in solidarity with you in hating the evil of the world.The workers' solidarity made the boss change his mind.

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The Sun and the planets, which collectively are the Solar System are a very tiny part of the Milky Way Galaxy. A very famous Galaxy can be seen in the stellar constellation of Andromeda.

How do you use solidarity in a sentence?

I stand in solidarity with you in hating the evil of the world.The workers' solidarity made the boss change his mind.

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A monomer is a small molecule that can join together with other monomers to form a polymer.