

What is a sentence with the word courageously?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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He courageously rescued the kitten from the burning house.

I approached her and courageously asked her on a date.

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9y ago
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9y ago

It takes a lot of courage to report a serious crime.

I commend you for your courage.

The lion has a lot of courage.

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7y ago

Here are some sentences.

She ran courageously across the battlefield.

He courageously defended his home.

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9y ago

Courage is cool

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How do you use the word courageous in a sentence?

The troop's courageous efforts inspire everyone. or The troops' courageous efforts inspire everyone.

How courageously is used in a sentence?

Example sentence - Bad behavior is usually from a cowardly person.

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What we need now is a volunteer for our manned mission to Mars. They courageously manned the forward cannons.

What are Derived verbs examples in sentence?

Some examples of derived verbs in a sentence are: "She courageously faced the challenge." Here, "courageously" is the adverb form derived from the adjective "courageous." "He darkened the room by closing the curtains." In this sentence, "darkened" is the verb form derived from the adjective "dark." "She quickly walked to the bus stop." In this sentence, "quickly" is the adverb form derived from the adjective "quick."

Can you give me an example of sentence using the word courageousness?

They said that they had award the medal to Private Hancock because he fought so courageously in the recent battle.

What inspires people to act courageously?

what inspire people to act courageously is to get rewarded,help someone when they are in danger,or people like to act courageously

Looking for words that mean the same thing as the word gallantly?

Courageously, boldly, dashingly, nobly, stately, daringly, fearlessly, valorously, courtly.

What inspires people act courageous?

what inspire people to act courageously is to get rewarded,help someone when they are in danger,or people like to act courageously

Who is a courageously person?

A person with full of confidence.

What is the adverb for courage?


What is 'courageously beautiful' in French?

Courageusement belle is a French equivalent of 'courageously beautiful'. The adverb 'courageusement' means 'courageously'. The feminine adjective 'belle' means 'beautiful'. All together, it's pronounced 'koo-rah-zhuhz-mawn behl'.That's about a 'courageously beautiful' female. For a male, it's 'courageusement beau'. That's pronounced 'koo-rah-zhuhz-mawn boh'.

Is this how you spell couragesuly?

The correct spelling is "courageously" (bravely).