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2mo ago

The main difference between cats and dogs is their preferred method of communication.

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9y ago

The difference between the twins was noticeable.

There is a difference between right and wrong.

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Q: What is a sentence with the word difference?
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How do you write a sentence using the word difference?

I see no difference.

Can you put the word difference in a sentence?

Yes. Ex: that is a big difference

What is a context clue sentence for the word difference?

You make a difference in the world.

A sentence with the word difference?

-The difference between there, their, and they're is commonly confused.

Can you make a sentence with the word difference?

Your efforts are welcome, but they will not realistically make a difference.

What is the difference between a word and an adjective?

a word is used to make a sentence whereas an adjective describes a noun (an object)

How do you write the word antonym in a sentence?

Write the difference >;] lol just kidding the difintion

What is the difference between Title case and Sentence case?

Title case capitalizes the first letter of each word in a sentence, while sentence case only capitalizes the first letter of the first word in a sentence. For example, "The Quick Brown Fox" is in title case, whereas "The quick brown fox" is in sentence case.

What is a sentence for the word taxidermist?

The difference between a tax collector and a taxidermist is that the taxidermist is only after the skin.

Words are classified as parts of speech according to their?

Words are classified as parts of speech based on their function as a word. If they are classified based on their role in the sentence, they are parts of a sentence. (there is not much difference between the two, but there is a difference)

What is a sentence using the word different?

I've written about thirty different sentences so far today.

What is the difference between a periodic sentence and a cummulative sentence?

A periodic sentence contains a period at the end of the sentence, while a cummulative sentence contains several commas, as the latin word cummus translated into comma in 800 A.D