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easy just takeing one power and replace it to the other .-.

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3w ago

When two billiard balls collide on a pool table, they exchange energy and momentum through the impact. As the balls come into contact, their interaction causes one ball to transfer some of its energy and momentum to the other, resulting in a change in their speeds and directions of movement.

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A collision

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a collision

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Q: What is a situation in which two objects in close contact exchange energy and momentum?
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When 2 objects collide what do they exchange?

When two objects collide, they can exchange energy and momentum. This exchange can result in changes in the objects' motion and speed. Additionally, they can exchange forces and potentially deform or damage each other depending on the nature of the collision.

What is momentum and what happen when it comes in contact with another object?

Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. When two objects with momentum come into contact, they can transfer their momentum to each other through collisions. The total momentum in a closed system remains constant if there are no external forces acting on the system.

What is momentum transfer?

Momentum transfer refers to the exchange of momentum between two objects or systems during a collision or interaction. It involves the transfer of momentum from one object to another, leading to changes in their velocities and directions of motion. The principle of momentum conservation states that the total momentum in a closed system remains constant before and after the interaction, even if it is transferred between objects.

How All objects have momentum true or false?

False. Not all objects have momentum. Momentum is a property of moving objects and is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. Objects at rest do not have momentum.

Do only moving objects have momentum?

No, momentum is a property of an object that is in motion. However, even objects at rest can have momentum if they have mass and are affected by an external force.

Related questions

When 2 objects collide what do they exchange?

When two objects collide, they can exchange energy and momentum. This exchange can result in changes in the objects' motion and speed. Additionally, they can exchange forces and potentially deform or damage each other depending on the nature of the collision.

What is momentum and what happen when it comes in contact with another object?

Momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. When two objects with momentum come into contact, they can transfer their momentum to each other through collisions. The total momentum in a closed system remains constant if there are no external forces acting on the system.

What is momentum transfer?

Momentum transfer refers to the exchange of momentum between two objects or systems during a collision or interaction. It involves the transfer of momentum from one object to another, leading to changes in their velocities and directions of motion. The principle of momentum conservation states that the total momentum in a closed system remains constant before and after the interaction, even if it is transferred between objects.

Momentum of a system is conserved only when?

When no momentum is exchanged with other objects/systems.When no momentum is exchanged with other objects/systems.When no momentum is exchanged with other objects/systems.When no momentum is exchanged with other objects/systems.

How All objects have momentum true or false?

False. Not all objects have momentum. Momentum is a property of moving objects and is defined as the product of an object's mass and velocity. Objects at rest do not have momentum.

Do all rotating objects have angular momentum?

Rotating objects all have angular momentum.

Do only moving objects have momentum?

No, momentum is a property of an object that is in motion. However, even objects at rest can have momentum if they have mass and are affected by an external force.

What kind of objects have momentum?

One object that has a momentum is a computer.

When 2 objects collide their momentum after the collision is explained by?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant before and after a collision. This means that the sum of the momenta of the two objects remains the same, even if they exchange momentum during the collision.

How does momentum transfer?

Momentum transfer occurs when an object applies a force to another object, causing it to accelerate. The amount of momentum transferred depends on the force applied and the duration of contact between the two objects. The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if no external forces are acting on it.

When two objects collide their momentum after the collision is?

When two objects collide, their total momentum remains constant if there are no external forces acting on them. This is known as the law of conservation of momentum. The momentum of the objects may change individually due to the collision, but their total momentum before and after the collision remains the same.

The product of an objects mass and velocity is called its?

momentum (vector)