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Q: What is a six letter word that means to strongly urge someone to do something?
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To advise strongly means to strongly recommend or urge someone to do something. It conveys a sense of importance and conviction in the advice being given.

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Adorable means that someone or something inspires great affection, and is delightful, charming, or cuddly in a way. Alluring means that someone or something is seductive or strongly attractive in a mysterious and fascinating way.

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The word hate means to despise or to strongly not like someone or something. It is an aversion and is a very angry feeling.

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"Defend your honor" refers to taking actions to protect and maintain your reputation, integrity, and dignity in the face of challenges or accusations that may threaten them. It involves standing up for oneself and one's values to maintain a sense of respect and self-worth.

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No, "exhort" is not a noun. It is a verb that means to strongly encourage or urge someone to do something.

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The word you are looking for is "describe." It means to give an account or representation of someone or something in words.

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The verb form of the word "detest" is "detest." It means to dislike intensely or hate something strongly.

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Likely candidate is the word: Inform.

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It means to emphasize something very strongly, like "I liked that car, and how!"