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Q: What is a slang term for british people?
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What is the british slang for stereo?

"Raster blaster" would be one British slang term for a stereo. That is related to the American term of "ghetto blaster" or "boom box." A "rattlehead" is British slang for someone who listens to a personal stereo in public.

What does hi mean in british?

its a slang term for hello

What is a beezer?

A beezer is a British slang term for a nose.

What is a bloke in English?

British slang term for a man; bloke.

What does Nancy mean in British slang?

In British slang, the term Nancy or Nance is a derogatory term for a homosexual or effeminate male. A variation of this is Nancy-boy. It is best to avoid using this term and other homophobic slurs.

Is there a British slang term for a British citizen living in America or a British slang term for someone who is British but loves American things?

There doesn't seem to a specific term for such a person, though the phenomenon of "white flight" touches on the idea. "White flight" refers to the emigration of mainly English people who have gone to live abroad due to a dislike of the number of immigrants in their home country.

What is a British slang term for a fool?

Blockhead, bonehead, twit, nincompoop

What is bloomer pudding?

bloomer pudding - British slang term for the vagina.

In British slang how much money is a quid?

In British slang, a quid is equivalent to one pound sterling. It is a slang term commonly used to refer to money in the UK.

What does flat mean in british slang?

In British slang, "flat" refers to an apartment or a place of residence that is often small and compact. It is synonymous with the American term "apartment" or "flat."

What is a quip in the British monetary system?

It should be "quid" and it is a slang term for a pound.

Is 'innit' and 'wag1' slang words?

Yes, "innit" is slang for "isn't it" or "is it not." It is commonly used in British English. "Wag1" is also a slang term popular in British English, derived from "What's going on?" or "What's up?"