

What is a slothes prey?

Updated: 6/8/2022
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9y ago

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leaves :]

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Ebba Hoeger

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1y ago
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13y ago

Bark, twigs and leaves.

they fight their predator

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Q: What is a slothes prey?
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The metaphor for ugly is probably another thing you think is ugly.Ex. i think slothes are ugly. slothes could be a metapor for ugly

What is the size of slothes?

2 feet or 2.5

Do slothes live in the canopy?

because they need to live

How do three three toed slothes sleep?

up side down

Do slothes live in the understory?

No, in fact that two toed sloth or any other sloth lives in the canopy. If the slothes lived in the emergent layer, their enimies would find them an kill them. The understory is where all the jaguars live and that is also a meat eater and a enemy to the sloth. The forest floor is not a good idea because slothes eat fruit and leaves. They do not eat plants out of the ground.

What do slothes drink?

some time sloth drink water a lot

Where would you find slothes?

South and Central America Rainforests is where you can find sloths.

What are the slothes actions?

your mum doesnt need internet coz shes already world wide

Do monkeys eat slothes?

No. They are not carnivorous or cannibalistic. Spider Monkeys eat fruit, seeds, and possibly insects.

How big do slothes get?

What type of sloth? There are many kinds if you look for them, so I would need to know what type you mean.

What can kill slothes?

When sloths are on the ground they become very helpless and lots of animals can kill it including birds, cats etc.

How long are slothes?

I don't know for sure but I'd have to guess that while following the curve of the nail from the bed to the tip is probably about 2 to 3 inches.