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Q: What is a small ball under lower jaw bone?
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What is the bone under your ball sack?

anong answer sa sack bone

Is the tibia used for kicking a ball?

Yes, absolutely. It is the bone in the front of your lower leg, the heavier one.

Another name for the small bone of the lower leg?

There are two bones in each lower leg. They are the Tibia and Fibula. The Tibia is the bone in the front that is often referred to as the shin bone. The Fibula is behind the Tibia towards the back of the calf. In case you wanted to know, the smaller bone is the fibula.

Which is the medial bone of lower extremity?

Tibia is the medial bone of the lower extremity

What is the bone in your lower hip called?

the lower bone in your hip is called the?

What bone is longest the chest bone or the lower leg bone?

By the 'chest bone' do you mean the sternum? And which 'lower leg bone', the tibia or the fibula? If by 'chest bone' you mean the sternum, both of the 'lower leg bones' are longer.

What bone serve as the insertion bone for all muscles that act as prime movers of the lower leg?

there are many muscles in the lower leg including peroneus longus. The peroneus longus is near the kneecap but just about under it

What is a small rough bump on bone where a tendon attaches?

The tuberosity of the ischium is more informally known as a sitting bone. Its lower part is where the sacrotuberous ligament attaches.

What bone in the lower leg is the small bone?

The smallest leg bone is the fibula, in the lower leg behind the tibia (shin bone).

What is the lateral bone of the lower bone?


What is the bone called in your lower bone?

lumbar vertebra

What kind of bone is used for small movements?

small bone :)