

What is the bone in your lower hip called?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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the lower bone in your hip is called the?

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Q: What is the bone in your lower hip called?
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The hip bone is called the pelvis and the collar bone is called the clavicle.

Is the hip bone an irregular bone?

The hip bone is not considered an irregular bone, rather it is classified as a flat bone. The lower jaw is an example of an irregular bone.

What is the most anterior bone of the hip bone?

The Pubis is the most anterior part of the hip bone, or the pubic bone as it should be called

What is the name of your hipbone called?

The hip bone is called innominate bone, pelvic bone or coxal bone.

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Yes, your appendix is located above your right hip bone, in the lower right quadrant of your abdomen (or lower tummy). It is about 3 inches below your ribs.

What part of the hip bone is most anterior?

The Pubis is the most anterior part of the hip bone, or the pubic bone as it should be called

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The bone which is part of the hip or waistline in humans is the ilium. The bone that comprises the lower lobe of the pelvis is the ischeum.

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What is the hip bone on your body called?

pelvic girdle

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The socket is called the acetabulum.acetabulum

What is an Ilium?

The Ilium is a bone in the hip it is connected to two other bones called the pubis and ichium The Ilium is a bone in the hip it is connected to two other bones called the pubis and ichium