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Q: What is a small mammal that gathers nuts and builds its nest in trees?
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What are the bat?

The bat might refer to a small mammal that has wings. This mammal is found in many parts of the world but generally lives in caves or trees.

A rodent that cuts down trees and dams up rivers or small streams where he builds a home in the dam is a?

That would be a beaver.

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Is s conk a mammal?

A conk is a growth on trees that is produced by a kind of fungus. It is certainly not a mammal.

Is a tree shrew an arboreal mammal?

Arboreal means the creature lives in trees. The tree shrew lives in trees. Therefore, yes, the tree shrew is an arboreal mammal.

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trees many trees,insects mammal

Are trees mammals?

No. In order to be classified as a mammal, they first must be animals. Because they are plants, being a mammal is impossible.

What animal builds huge nests up in pine trees?

this might be the answer birds

Which primate builds a nest in trees?

Gorillas and Chimpanzees build nests occasionally in trees. Orangutans build nests exclusively in trees and so do Ruffed Lemurs.

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What is the meaning of squirel?

A squirrel is a small mammal that lives on trees. Its tail is bushy and relatively long (perhaps helps it navigate and keep balance). Its fur is grey or reddish brown. It eats seeds.

Where do binturong live?

rare mammal that lives in trees in the dense forests of southeast Asia.