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Q: What is a smoke tower?
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How do you clear the smoke in the Pokemon tower?

you don't.

What uses water to remove smoke from burning coal?

A spray tower or scrubber system uses water to remove smoke from burning coal by absorbing the smoke particles and pollutants into the water droplets. As the smoke passes through the tower, it comes into contact with the water, which captures the particles and removes them from the air.

How do you clog the vent to see where the parrot went?

Jump onto the smoke emitting chimney. He is at the tower.

What time did the north tower collapse?

i was one of the peoples alive i know what happen i was inside and at 10 mins of my job got ready then boom in the side of the building it was smoke everywhere if you wacth in side the north tower i was wearing grey

Was there a devil in the smoke of 9 11?

In amateur video footage of the United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the South Tower, some people have recognized a face in the smoke immediately following the explosion. Of those viewers, many believe the face to be Satan's. The answer of whether or not it is his face is up to you.

Will you get sick if you live near a power plant?

Yes you could it is possible you could get heart disease or lung cancer if the power plant has anything to do with radiation or smoke coming out from a tower.

Why did people jump off the buildings of the twin tower?

Because the heat of the flames and the toxic smoke of various burning debris. Besides would you rather die of burning and or suffocation or a quick death?

What towers is the tallest the Eiffel tower the Sydney tower the sky tower the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Eiffel tower

Why before a atomic bombs explodes does the dust rise?

This does not happen!Perhaps you saw this on a weapons test movie. That was not dust you saw, it was smoke rocket exhaust. They often launched several smoke rockets several seconds before detonation of tower or balloon shots to help measure the blast wave intensity and estimate yield.

How many turrets can you get in Starland Tower Defense?

Six debris tower lazer tower missle tower shockwave tower frost tower and anti air tower now tell me why you asked this question?

What kind of tower is the Eiffel Tower?

It is a Lattice tower.

How long did it take for the second tower to fall?

The South Tower of the World Trade Center was struck by Flight 175 at 9:03, and later collapsed at 09:59. Therefore, it took 56 minutes of continuous smoke & flames before it began to fall.Unfortunately there are mixed reports of how long it took for the building to totally collapse. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the South Tower collapsed in 10 seconds.