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The nomenclature generally used in the credit report industry is usually "hard pull" and "soft pull". A hard pull of your credit history is done when a potential lender retrieves your credit file on your behalf for the purpose of deciding whether to extend credit to you or not. A soft pull is done when you want to pull your own report for review purposes only or when a lender checks your credit without your permission (perhaps to pre-qualify you for a credit card offer).

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Q: What is a soft credit report apposed to a hard credit report?
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How often can you pull your credit report?

The credit report holder can check his or her report as often as they choose. When you check your credit report it is considered a "soft inquiry" and will not affect your status.

Does applying for new credit cards hurt your score?

Every time you apply for credit and a creditor pulls a report it hurts your FICO score. The rule is to have no more then 6 inquiries on your credit report with in six months. They say a hard inquiry pulls your score down 3-5 points. There are 2 different inquiries hard and soft. A soft inquiry is when you pull your report or a creditor you already have pulls it to make sure you still have a good profile. The hard inquiries are the ones that hurt your score. It means that you are applying for credit.

What stores only do soft credit pulls?

If you're applying for credit, then they will all do a hard hit

How many times can a bank pull your credit report without lowering your credit score?

If they don't pull a full report and only do a soft inquiry then it doesn't ever hurt. If you are however, applying for credit at the bank and they do a "hard inquiry" where they view your full report then it only takes one time. If you are going around in a short length of time and having banks pull your credit for the purpose of a home or car loan then usually the credit report agencies count this as one inquiry because it's quite reasonable to shop around.

When can your bank pull your credit report?

Anytime as long as you have a relationship or some type of account with them, a bank will normally do what is call a soft pull which doesn't affect your score and will only do a hard pull if you initiate it by requesting to open another account with them, or asking for a credit line increase or a new line of credit.

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I wanna know if I apply for AT and T 2 year contract they gonna do a credit check So is that a hard pull or a soft pull on my credit?

If you apply for a 2 year contract with AT&T they will do a hard pull on your credit report.

How often can you pull your credit report?

The credit report holder can check his or her report as often as they choose. When you check your credit report it is considered a "soft inquiry" and will not affect your status.

Does pulling credit report multiple times count against you?

There are two types of inquiries. Soft pulls and hard pulls. Soft pulls are when you look at your own credit. They don't get counted as far as your credit score. However hard pulls are when you apply for credit. This can effect your score 2 - 5 point for each inquiry.

Will obtaining your annual free credit report count as a hard pull and therefore have an adverse affect on your credit?

Nope. Anything from you doesn't count. That's a soft pull.

Does applying for new credit cards hurt your score?

Every time you apply for credit and a creditor pulls a report it hurts your FICO score. The rule is to have no more then 6 inquiries on your credit report with in six months. They say a hard inquiry pulls your score down 3-5 points. There are 2 different inquiries hard and soft. A soft inquiry is when you pull your report or a creditor you already have pulls it to make sure you still have a good profile. The hard inquiries are the ones that hurt your score. It means that you are applying for credit.

If you check your credit report will it decrease your score?

No, checking your own credit score is called a "soft inquiry" and will not affect your credit score. Only "hard inquiries" - those from potential lenders affect your score.

Two Kinds of Credit Check Reports?

There are "soft" and "hard" credit check reports. The soft kind is when the credit report is issued to businesses who are engaged in promotional campaigns. They want to see what kind of audience they may have for their product, and what kind of market they can envision. The soft kind includes checks by you and also businesses that have your accounts. The hard credit checks were those made by businesses from who you have applied for credit. A record is kept all of these checks and prospective employers or others may see it.

What stores only do soft credit pulls?

If you're applying for credit, then they will all do a hard hit

How many times can a bank pull your credit report without lowering your credit score?

If they don't pull a full report and only do a soft inquiry then it doesn't ever hurt. If you are however, applying for credit at the bank and they do a "hard inquiry" where they view your full report then it only takes one time. If you are going around in a short length of time and having banks pull your credit for the purpose of a home or car loan then usually the credit report agencies count this as one inquiry because it's quite reasonable to shop around.

When a credit grantor reviews voluntarily one's credit report for the standing of an account should the inquiry be reflected as 'hard' inquiry?

Account review (AR) inquiries are not ordinarily reflected as hard inquiries which would impact your credit score. If you have had an AR inquiry which has been coded "hard", you can contact the creditor and request they remove the inquiry or (at the very least) re-code it as a "soft" inquiry.

When can your bank pull your credit report?

Anytime as long as you have a relationship or some type of account with them, a bank will normally do what is call a soft pull which doesn't affect your score and will only do a hard pull if you initiate it by requesting to open another account with them, or asking for a credit line increase or a new line of credit.

Do credit checks decrease my credit score?

Only hard credit checks decrease your credit score, so one must be careful about the number of applications for credit that they make in a given period of time. There are two types of credit check - hard and soft. Hard credit checks are made by companies from whom you have requested credit (or an increase in credit line). Soft credit checks are made by (1) companies that you already have accounts with that are updating their snapshot of your situation and (2) companies that may try and market credit instruments to you.