

What is a source of genetic variation in organisms?

Updated: 3/18/2022
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8y ago

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Human recombination is a significant source of genetic variation.

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Abbie Hyatt

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2y ago
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Q: What is a source of genetic variation in organisms?
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Basic source of variation in all organisms is mutation .

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Why is crossing over so important?

Crossing over during meiosis is important because it promotes genetic diversity by shuffling genetic information between homologous chromosomes. This process creates new combinations of alleles and increases the variation in offspring. Additionally, crossing over helps to exchange beneficial traits between chromosomes, which can contribute to evolutionary adaptability.

What is the source of genetic variation?

Genetic variation arises from mutations, genetic recombination during meiosis, and gene flow between populations. Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence, while genetic recombination mixes genetic material from two parents during sexual reproduction. Gene flow occurs when individuals migrate between populations, introducing new alleles into a gene pool.

Is Natural selection a source of genetic variation in a population?

No, natural selection works on that genetic variation presented to it.

Mutations are a source of what in a species?

Genetic variation, which can lead to evoloution, and then potentially a new species.

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What is a source of genetic variation that involves the swapping of sections of chromosomes during meiosis.?

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Which of the following is least likely to be a source of genetic variation among living organisms?

Things that kill the organism, such as, immature lungs at birth.

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