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Q: What is a space debris that is a roughly equal mix of rock and ice?
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Related questions

What is space pollution?

Space pollution is the collection of defunct objects in the space around Earth. It includes everything that can be considered debris, from old satellites, spent rocket stages and rock fragments from erosion and collision.

What are leftover debris from the formation of the solar system They are large bodies of tiny particles and glowing gases?

Meteoroids are little chunks of rock and debris in space which eventually become meteors.

What does the rock samples of the moon show?

That the moon is roughly 4 billion years old and was likely originally part of the Earth, with debris from Earth having been blown into space after a collision with a massive, Mars-sized proto planet and eventually coalescing into our moon.

Is the sun the only meteoroid?

Absolutely not. The Sun is not a meteoroid, it is a star. A meteoroid is a chunk of rock and debris travelling through space.

Which terms describe space objects that are small chunks of rock and debris that are smaller than 1 km?

They are referred to as asteroids.

What is a word for fallen rock debris?

If you are looking for the crossword puzzle answer, another name for fallen rock debris is scree.

What is the fastest an earthquake can travel?

The speed of sound, it is different in different substances, but it is roughly equal to the speed of sound in rock.

What are three different kinds of debris slides?

landslide, rock slide, debris slide

What is the meteor means in the monsters are due on maple street?

a meteor is a peace of rock or other debris from outer space that burns up as it enters earth's atmosphere

What is rock debris commonly called?


What is geological accumulation of rock debris?


Where is a asteroid found?

Asteroids are nothing but debris found in space. Rock broken off from various places like other planets, other planet's moons, our moon etc.