

What is a specialty of the lions?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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The various types of lions have their own specialties, not the least of which is 'ambush predation'.

The lion (Panthera leo) is well-known for their truly awesome pride. The male of the species has a beautifully great mane, and his females get together to hunt for him and the rest of the pride. They are known to be apex, as well as keystone, predators.

The mountain lion (Puma concolor) of the Americas can achieve a speed of 35 mph in 3 steps. They are also known to leap 30 feet, from a stock-still position. When they take an animal that is too big for them to eat right away, they half-way bury it, and then return to feed on it for the next several days. This allows less-successful predators and scavengers a chance at a relatively risk-free meal.

Perhaps you mean the South African Rugby union team, so please be more specific.

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