

What is a speed?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Basically "speed" tells you how fast something moves. It is defined as a distance divided by a time (more precisely, in the case of variable speed, the derivative of distance with respect to time).

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Q: What is a speed?
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Yes. If an object is moving at a constant speed the average speed and the constant speed are the same.

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Average Speed is different from average speed becoz speed is particular while avera speed is the total distance divided from time

1500 kilometers how many hours to drive?

That depends on the speed. Choose a suitable speed, then divide the distance by the speed. If the distance is in kilometers, and the speed is in kilometers/hour, then the time will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Choose a suitable speed, then divide the distance by the speed. If the distance is in kilometers, and the speed is in kilometers/hour, then the time will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Choose a suitable speed, then divide the distance by the speed. If the distance is in kilometers, and the speed is in kilometers/hour, then the time will be in hours.That depends on the speed. Choose a suitable speed, then divide the distance by the speed. If the distance is in kilometers, and the speed is in kilometers/hour, then the time will be in hours.

How man hours would it take to drive 832 miles?

That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.That depends on the speed. Divide the distance by the speed to get hours.