

What is a sperm or egg?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Sperm and egg cells are gametes, or reproductive cells.

The sperm is the male reproductive cell.

The egg is the female reproductive cell.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Male and female reproductive cells, sperm and ovum, are both gametes.

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How does the sperm get in to the egg?

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What is where a sperm enters an egg?

The sperm enters the egg (conception) in the fallopian tube.

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A sperm and an egg.

What is the joining of a sperm and an egg?

The joining of an egg and a spermatazoan (sperm) is called fertilization.

What is joining of an egg and a sperm?

The joining of an egg and a spermatazoan (sperm) is called fertilization.

what cell is bigger the sperm or the egg?

the egg is larger than the sperm cell

How can you use sperm and egg in the same sentence?

sperm fertalizes the egg cells.

Could it be pregnant if the sperm is put into the?

Yes, if the sperm is in the egg, the egg is fertilized.

How do you use sperm and egg in a sentence?

Fertilization occurs when a sperm and egg unite.