

What is a spider burrow?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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11y ago

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It is a tunnel or shaft dug into the soil. It can be lined with spider silk. Trapdoor Spiders make a "door" for their tunnel out of their own silk. Some burrows consist of one straight shaft. Other burrows are constructed like the letter H with one door visible from the outside, and the other exit not quite dug through to the outside until an emergency exit is needed. There can be an inside door protecting the horizontal tunnel. If the spider is attacked by something that comes inside, the spider will retreat through the second door, close it behind her, and hope that the intruder will go all the way to the bottom in a straight line, be unable to find anything to eat, and will then leave. If that does not work and the intruder pulls open the inside door, then the spider retreats and exits by digging out the top of the hidden vertical shaft.

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Lining a burrow with silk has several advantages. Which one is the most important may depend on other factors, such as the weather. In soil that is very stable and unlikely to cave in, burrow linings are probably most important for helping the spider get a good grip as it moves in its burrow, and for giving the spider a good place to hang its egg sac after it has laid a clutch of eggs. In soil that is sandy or in soil that gets shifty when wet, the biggest advantage to the spider is that the webbing helps keep the tunnel from caving in. Trapdoor spiders sometimes get attacked by wasps or other animals that try to pull their door open. The spider grabs her side of the silk-covered door with her fangs and hangs on tightly to the burrow wall with her eight feet. Without a burrow lining to give the spider's claws a good grip, it would be very much easier to pull her out.

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mine lives in a burrow, but i have heard nest, aerie, white house. the latter is only for the bush recluse of course.

How do tarantulas help some wasps reproduce?

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a burrow is a synonym

What is the antonym of burrow?

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