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A group of knives,forks and spoons is not called cutlery as cutlery is a name exclusive to items that cut, so only knives are classed as cutlery. a more accurate term would probably be dining utensils

You misunderstand the question. The asker did not mean "What is an amalgamation of knives, forks, and spoons called?" They were asking what it is called when they are merged into one, like a spork.

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Q: What goes together like knife and fork?
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Why is the fork on the left and the knife on the right?

Because you use your knife to cut, and your fork to keep your steak from sliding of your plate. It's simply harder to cut your food with your left hand. so you take the fork in the left hand, the knife in the right. That's the reason, why the fork goes left and the knife goes right from the plate.

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You eat it with your hands. But if you like you can eat it with a fork and knife.

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* The proper etiquette for eating with a knife and fork is the knife is for cutting and the fork for picking up small amounts of foods and the person eating should eat one section of food at a time and not mix all foods onto their fork. Some people will eat meat first; then potatoes; then vegetables while others may do it the complete opposite. It does not really matter in what rotation you eat your food, just don't pile different foods on your fork (with the exception of a salad where everything is already mixed together.)

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Knife: If the shape inside the seed is that of a knife, it is believed to mean the winter will be cutting cold. As my grandma would say: So cold the wind feels like its cutting right through you like a knife. Spoon: When the shape inside the seed looks like a spoon it is said to mean it will be a heavy winter. The spoon represents lots of shoveling. Fork: The appearance of a fork shape within the seed is believed to mean that winter will be easy with only a light dusty of snow

In which country is it acceptable to eat a peach with a knife and fork?

Anywhere you like, if you prefer to avoid sticky fingers.

What are the lyrics to fork knife spoon in Dear Edwina Junior?

chef lumilla made a dinner that she hoped would be a winner, for she yearned to win the prize of chef extrodinaire, called to her assistant mabel. "mabel time to set the table". looked around and up and down but mabel wasn't there. "AHA" she said. "where is she where is she, AH" she said " Im going to cry, without a set table im going to cry and win no awards for my gooseberry pie, lets see the contest states three parts, taste, originality, and really nice table setting oh who will help me out in this time of need?" It is I your fairy forkmother all the way from cutlurainia! You dont know how to set a table? Why its easy, william, sonoma lend me a hand! (Fork, fork fork, fork, fork knife spoon, fork knife spoon, fork knife spoon, fork knife spoon....) Starting from the left take the little fork, it's a salad fork. Then you find the bigger fork and place it nicely to the right! of that fork, good! Then you take the plate its a lovely plate and place it down right next to them line it up! mmm that looks nice. Arent you having the time of your life, and guess what comes next well you guessed it! the knife, take the knife and go curved side in like so one more thing to do! and spoon the right and Eureka your through! now come along try it with me! So i start from the left take the little fork, it's a salad fork. Then I find the bigger fork and place it nicely to the right, of that fork. (Good!) Then I take the plate (its a lovely plate) and I place it down right next to them (line it up! mmm that looks nice.) Arent you having the time of your life, (yay!) and guess what comes next oh i think its the knife! Take the knife and go curved side in like so one more thing to do! and spoon the right and Eureka (eureka!) your through! Now look at this table how lovely its turned. "and if i dont win well look how much i learned!" (in just a few moments the judges arrive). We've got one place all set! "But we need 65!" oh dear hurry up. Starting from the left take the little fork, it's a salad fork. Then you find the bigger fork and place it nicely to the right! of that fork, good! Then you take the plate its a lovely plate and place it down right next to them line it up! mmm that looks nice. Arent you having the time of your life, and guess what comes next well you guessed it! the knife, take the knife and go curved side in like so one more thing to do! and spoon the right and Eureka your through! well the table was lovely the guests had a ball, lumilla was chosen the best chef of all and as they crowned her chef extrordinare, she said "Now I know just where to put the silver ware. (fork knife fork knife fork knife fork knife fork knife fork knife spooooonnnnnn)

Utencils used by soldiers at war?

For the non Barbarians among the US Forces, the standard eating utensils were a knife, fork and spoon. These were special utensils, though. The knife is shaped like a dagger, the fork is about twice the size of a normal fork, and the spoon holds three-fourths of an ounce. (A normal tablespoon holds half an ounce.)

What are some instinctive behaviors of penguins?

they bark like dogs and eat cs for dinner witha knife and fork its yummy

Why does Liam for one direction have a fear of spoons?

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