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Q: What is a star left at the core of a planetary nebula?
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What happens to the core of a star after a planetary nebula occurs?

It becomes a white dwarf.

What is left when a planetary nebula dissipates?

A White Dwarf Star remains.

What star sheds a planetary nebula?

A star like our sun will shed a planetary nebula after its 'death'

What happens after a planetary nebula is seen?

After a planetary nebula the oxygen in the middle will make it turn into a blackhole or neutron star.

What Creates a planetary nebula?

A planetary nebula is created by a dying low to medium mass star as it sheds its outer layers of gas.

How a star becames a white dwarf?

A white dwarf is the core of a dead star. As the star runs out of fuel, it expands into a red giant, as the shell of the red giant became a planetary nebula, and the core shrinks and became a white dwarf.

How are giant stars and white dwarf related?

A giant star is a dying star that expanded, and the core shrinks are the same time. When the shell of the giant star drift into space as planetary nebula, the core became a white dwarf. The white dwarf is made from the core of the giant star.

When a star has no fuel left and its outer layers escape into space what is its remaining core called?

When the layers escape into space, this is classified as a planetary nebula. What usually is left behind is a white dwarf.

What is a ring-shaped shell of gas around a star called?

Planetary Nebula

Is planet nebula real?

The correct term is planetary nebula. Such nebulae form when a low to medium mass star dies.

The Sun will eventually end up as a what?

Earth's sun is currently a main sequence star which has a small mass. Eventually it will expand into Red Giant star once the core runs out of hydrogen and then helium gas. After the Red Giant phase, the star throws off its outer layers and then becomes a planetary nebula. A sun-like star will either become a white dwarf or black dwarf following the planetary nebula.

What is the ejected outer layers of a dying low-mass star called?

planetary nebula