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state·ment (sttmnt)n.

1. The act of stating or declaring.

2. Something stated; a declaration.

3. Law A formal pleading.

4. An abstract of a commercial or financial account showing an amount due; a bill.

5. A monthly report sent to a debtor or bank depositor.

6. Computer Science An elementary instruction in a programming language.

7. An overall impression or mood intended to be communicated, especially by

means other than words.

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6y ago

Some true statements about statements include:

  1. A statement makes a claim, unlike a question.
  2. A legitimate question can be (legitimately) true or false in what it claims or asserts.
  3. Further, a writer can deliberately tell a falsehood in making a statement. It is up to a reader to evaluate statements to determine whether the claim or assertion is correct. For example, "There are no fresh water lakes in the United States" is a completely untrue statement. Lots of untrue statements masquerade as truths.
  4. Learning to critically evaluate or use critical thinking will help you evaluate statements. Example: A story about a 1900 family suddenly talks about the mother loading the dishwasher before using an electric carving knife to carve a turkey. These did not exist in 1900; watch for bloopers in statements.
  5. Correctly written statements convey information; they educate others by sharing knowledge. Example: "The normal body temperature is generally given as 98.6F."
  6. Statements begin with a First-letter cap.
  7. Statements end with a period.
  8. Students and adults will deal with more statements in their lifetimes than questions.
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12y ago

Announcing something that is true.

"The sky is blue" is a statement of fact.

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It is something important

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Q: What is a statement of fact?
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What is the accepted statement of fact?

A postulate or axiom is an accepted statement of fact.

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For a phrase to be a statement it needs to be true or false by all readers. 'The painting is beautiful' is an opinion and not a statement. For a statement to be considered a fact it must be true. 2+3 = 6 is a statement but not a fact. When you get applying this to real world situations this can be tricky. It is not a fact that smoking will give you cancer (since you may smoke and not get it) but it is a fact that the surgeon general says that smoking increases your risk in getting cancer.

What is the difference between a fact and a statement?

The difference between fact and statement is that a fact is something that is empirically true and can be supported by evidence while a statement is a belief that may or may not be backed up with some type of evidence.

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A hypothesis is a statement.

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Accepted statement of fact?

A Postulate

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An accepted statement of fact is a written or oral declaration in a court case that is approved. This is commonly used as evidence.

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It's a fact.

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Fact. A statement that can be proven is based on evidence or objective criteria, making it a fact rather than an opinion. Facts are verifiable and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings.