

What is a straw pull?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is a straw pull?
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Is drinking out of a straw push pull or friction?

your face. that's what it is.

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Why does your rabbit pull the straw about his hutch?

My guess would be it is a female rabbit. But, if not perhaps he doesn't like where you have put his straw or he is bored. A female rabbit will do this when she builds her nest.

Do rabbits learn to pull straw to make a bed or is it instinctive?

yes because tey do tati

What does pull a vacuume mean?

pulling out as much of the particals in a given space, as possible. when you put a finger on one end of a straw and suck on the other end the straw collapses; you are pulling a vacuum.

Is a the hole in a ring pull on a can for a drinking straw?

No that's a lie because they also have them on cat food tins

Will it be easier to drink out of a straw from on top of a mountain or in new Orleans?

It will be easier to drink out of a straw from the top of a mountain than from New Orleans. This is because gravity has a stronger pull downward at New Orleans.

What is the rebus puzzle straw straw straw straw straw straw straw?

it means: the last staw

What is the difference between suck and blow?

Suck means to pull in. Like to suck on a straw. Blow means to push air out. As to blow out candles.

How do adhesion and cohesion explain capillary action?

Surface tension is related to the cohesive properties of water. Capillary action however, is related to the adhesive properties of water. You can see capillary action 'in action' by placing a straw into a glass of water. The water 'climbs' up the straw. What is happening is that the water molecules are attracted to the straw molecules. When one water molecule moves closer to a the straw molecules the other water molecules (which are cohesively attracted to that water molecule) also move up into the straw. Capillary action is limited by gravity and the size of the straw. The thinner the straw or tube the higher up capillary action will pull the water.

My seven yr old asked if gravity play's a role in the movement of grass on the side of a road when a car passes?

A little. Gravity will try to pull every part of the straws down, the wake of the car will try to push them sideways. If a straw is perfectly upright, each part of the straw would be perfectly supported by the part underneath. But as the wake of the car push the straw sideways, gravity will then begin to help bending the straw by pulling each part of it down, and this time there's no straw under to help resist gravity.

The water in a drinking straw does not drip out when you press te top of the straw with your thumb or finger tip?

It's a matter of air pressure that acts on the water. When the straw is uncovered, there are two forces acting on the water inside. There is gravity, pulling the water down, and air pressure. The pressure is about the same on both ends of the straw, but on the top of the straw, the pressure pushes the water downward, and on the bottom of the straw, the pressure pushes upward. Both of the pressures are the same, so the net force is just the force of gravity pulling the water down and out of the straw. When you cover the top of the straw, you block the air from pushing down on the water. In this case, the only forces on the water are the air pressure pushing up, and gravity pulling down. However, the air pressure is a greater force than gravity, and keeps the water in the straw despite gravity's pull.