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Q: What is a substance that ionizes completely in aqueos solutions and produces h3o?
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Are compounds that ionize completely weak bases?

No. A substance that completely ionizes is a strong electrolyte. If such a substance is also a base then it is a strong base.

When an acid ionizes in water it produces what when a base dissociates in water it produces what?

Inorganic acids release in water solutions the cation H+. Inorganic bases release in water solutions the anion OH-.

In water a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called?

A substance that ionises completely in water which in most cases is an acid are known as strong acids,they can also be called polar substances.

Which of the following describes a strong acid?

It dissociates completely into ions

What does it mean when a chemical substance dissociates or ionizes?

it desolves

Why is hydrochloric a strong acid?

Strong acids are those acids which completely dissociate into its ions in aqueous solutions. since hydrochloric acid does exactly the same, it is called a strong acid

A substance which ionizes to form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water is?

A substance which ionizes to form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water is called an acid. Acids turn blue litmus paper into red.

What has a pH of 1 and completely ionizes in aqueous solution?


Does a strong base have the same strength as a weak acid?

No. A strong base ionizes completely, while a weak acid only ionizes partially.

What does a strong acid do for a chemist?

It dissociates (or ionizes) nearly completely with water.

With solutions of strong acids and bases the word strong refers to what? not quote me but... It is in reference to the ionization. The "stronger" an acid/basic is, the more it ionizes. The weaker, the less it ionizes. its degree of ionization

How strong would a 12 M solution of an acid that ionizes completely in a solution be?
