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It is a compound. The molecules of a compound contain more than one element.

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Q: What is a substance that is created when two or more atoms combine?
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What is created when two or more atoms combine?


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A substance composed of two or more atoms?

When two or more atoms combine, the product is a molecule.Examplestwo oxygen atoms combine to form a molecule of oxygen O2two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom combine to form a molecule of water H2OIf there are two or more elements in the molecule, the substance is a compound. Water is a compound; oxygen is not.

Are atoms formed when two or more elements combine?

if two or more atoms combine, it chemically forms something yes.

When two or more atoms combine they create what?

Two or more atoms combine to form a molecule.

What is it called when two different atoms combine?

Answer:molecular compound

Do molecules combine to make atoms?

Not really. Molecules are combinations of atoms formed when they share electrons.

Why water is called molecule?

The definition of a molecule is two or more atoms which have chemically combined to form a single species. Therefore when the two hydrogen atoms combine with the one oxygen atom, you get a single substance.

What is the difference between element compound mixture?

A mixture is a substance composed of two or more components physically combined. An element is a pure substance composed of one kind of atom. A compound is a pure substance formed when atoms of two or more elements chemically combine.

Can atoms with no charge combine with other atoms with no charge?

Yes. When atoms with no charge combine with one or more atoms with no charge, it's called a molecule. They may share electrons to complete their octet.

When atoms of more than element combine they form?

a compound.