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Q: What is a substance that keeps ph levels from changing?
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What are substance that keeps the pH of a sloution from changing?

These substances are called buffers.

What substance resists change in pH levels?

Buffers are solutions designed to resist changes to pH levels.

The effect of high pH levels?

The value of high pH indicates the basicity of that substance.

Does the amount of water in a cup effect its pH?

pH is the measure of the levels of acid or base in a substance. Increasing the amount of a substance will not change the pH so long as the existing substance and the added substance are chemically the same.

How does pH level affects the river?

They affect the river by changing the temperature of the water, if the pH levels are high then the water is warmer and if the pH levels are low then the water is cold.

What is the independent variable of Ph?

The dependent variable of pH is its acidity. The independent variable is whatever substance is being tested for pH levels.

Difference between pH of 4 and pH of 10?

The pH scale ranges from 0-14 pH. A substance that has a pH of 7 is considered to be "neutral," like pure water. A substance that has a pH less than 7 is said to be acidic, and a substance that has a pH greater than 7 is said to be basic. Therefore, the difference between those two pH levels is that the 4 pH substance is more acidic and the 10 pH substance is more basic. The more basic or acidic, the more caustic and/or corrosive the substance will be.

PH of acid is?

Different acids have different pH levels. The pH scale is a measure of acidity of any substance; a pH of 7 is neutral, anything with a pH lower than 7 is acidic. For example: lemons pH is about 2.2

If the ph of a substance is 11 then that substance is?

If a substance has a PH of 11 then the substance is basic.

What does baking soda do in DNA extraction?

Baking soda keeps the PH levels of the solution at an even level as the DNA is extracted.

What is a nuetral substance?

what is a neutral substance ?a neutral substance has a pH level of 7. anything higher (8-14) has high base levels. anything lower (0-6) is acidic.

What is the pH of a substance?

The pH is the negative log of the concentration of hydronium ions. (pH=-log [H3O+]) If the pH is high, the substance is basic. If it is low the substance is acidic. When the pH is exactly 7 the substance is neutral.