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If this substance is a solid, it would be considered amorphous. This substance could also be any liquid or gas

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Q: What is a substance whose particles can move called?
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What is a substance that has a definite shape and volume and whose particles are packed tightly together in fixed positions and cannot move?

a solid.

What is the average speed of the particles of a substance?

The average speed of particles in a substance is determined by the temperature of the substance. At higher temperatures, particles move faster, while at lower temperatures, particles move slower. This average speed is related to the kinetic energy of the particles.

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When a solid substance is placed in water or another liquid particles of the substance break awayand move into a liquid what is this called?

The process is called 'dissolving', provided the solid substance is soluble in the liquid solvent in which it is present.

What substance is solids?

It is a substance that has a lot of particles that are packed together. The particles can not move becase the solid paticles are to strong.

What is meaning of fluid?

Having particles which easily move and change their relative position without a separation of the mass, and which easily yield to pressure; capable of flowing; liquid or gaseous., A fluid substance; a body whose particles move easily among themselves.

When the particles of a substance move faster they spread out causing the substance to what?

Change states

When the particles of a substance move about faster they spread out causing the substance to what?

Change states

Do the particles in solid ice move slower than the particles in liquid?

Yes. The colder the substance become, the slower the particles move. Actually in pure ice the particles do not move at all.

What are motion of particles that finish melting called?

The motion of particles that occurs once a substance has completely melted is called fluid motion. In the fluid state, the particles move freely and do not have a fixed shape or volume.

A substance that keeps its shape because its particles can't flow freely is a or an?

A substance that keeps its definite shape because it cant move freely is called a solid.

When the particles in a substance move faster what increases?

Temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles of the substance.