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A common suffix for the verb "inhabit" is "-ed," which changes the word to "inhabited." This suffix indicates that the action of inhabiting has already occurred in the past.

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Q: What is a suffix for inhabit it as a verb?
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Related questions

Which suffix turns the verb inhabit into a noun?

The suffix that turns the verb 'inhabit' into a noun is 'ant'; inhabitant.

What is the suffix inhabit as a noun?

The noun forms for the verb to inhabit are:inhabitability (suffix, 'ability')inhabitation (suffix, 'ation')inhabitant (suffix, 'ant')

Is inhabit a verb?

Yes, the word 'inhabit' is a verb, to live in or occupy; inhabit, inhabits, inhabiting, inhabited.

What is suffix of inhabit?

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What is suffix inhabit?

hello fetty wap

Is inhabited a noun or verb?

Inhabited is a verb, the past tense of the verb inhabit.

What does the suffix itor mean?

The suffix "itor" is an uncommon suffix that turns a verb into a noun, such as the nouns, competitor (from the verb compete) or compositor (from the verb compose). A more common similar suffix is "or" that looks like an "itor" suffix (but is not) such as the nouns, auditor (from the verb audit) or editor (from the verb edit).

How do you make inhabit a noun?

Can you provide more context or specify what you mean by "inhabit a noun"?

What suffix can you add to active to make it a verb?

One suffix you can add to "active" to make it a verb is "-ate." This would result in the verb "activate."

What is the suffix for idol to make it a verb?

The suffix -ize (British -ise) is used to form the verb, idolize/idolise.

What is the noun form of inhabit?

The noun form of the verb to inhabit are inhabitant and the gerund, inhabiting.

What is a noun for the suffix for persecute?

The noun forms for the verb to persecute are:persecutor (suffix, 'or')persecution (suffix, 'ion')