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Q: What is a support text in a book report?
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Mainly to persuade others or your audience.

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Where are endnotes located?

In a standard book report, as in most any other conventional form of writing that requires documentation, endnotes are located after the last page of the main body of text. By contrast with footnotes, endnotes are put in a separate section of the report (or book) so as to facilitate the reader's understanding of the content of the report (or book).

You have to do a book report on the book loser?

Loser is a good book to do a book report on if it is a realistic fiction book report.

Does a book report start with a title?

Yes. Normally you would put the title of the book in inverted commas followed by the name of the author. You may also be expected to add your name and class details below the heading and before the text of the report. Here is an example: 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' by J.K.Rowling A Book Report by "Your name"

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What is the theme of the book Things Hoped For and text evidence supporting it?

I need to know the answer to this, I have to do the book report tomorrow, and all I need is to know a page number for a passage supporting the theme.

What is the difference between report and description?

the difference betwen report and description tex are 1. participant : - description text describes the things, places, persons, or object specifically, whereas report text describe the things, places, persons, or object generally. 2. information : description text needn't observation, whereas report text need observation and learning more about the text 3. language : description text usually doesn't use scientific language, but in report text is often found the scientific language in the text.