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Q: What is a synonmom for solemly?
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What is the definition of affirm?

-verb (used with object) 1. To state or assert positively; maintain as true:to affirm one's loyalty to one's country; he affrimed that all was well. 2. To confirm or ratify: The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the lower court. 3. To assert solemnly: He affirmed his innocence.4. To express agreement with or commitment to; uphold; support: To affirm human rights. -verb (used without object)5. Law. a. To state something solemly before a court or magistrate, but without oath. b. To ratify and accept a voidable transaction. c. (Of an appellate court) to determine that the action of the lower court shall stand. -Synonyms. 1. Aver, asseverate, despose, testify, declare. 2. Approve, endorse. -Antonyms. 1. Deny.

What are the passwords for the Gryffindor common room in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

dumbledore's office: sherbet lemon gryfindor common room : year 1:caput draconis latin for dragons head,pig snout year 2: fortuna major latin for greater luck,flibbertigibbet,oddsbodikins,scurvy cur year 3:baldderdash,banana fritters,fairy lights year 4:mimbulus mimbletonia year5:Abstinence,BaublesDilligroutTapewormQuidAgis(Latin for "How are you"

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What are the differences between computer games and arcade games?

Computer games and arcade games may both involve interactive gameplay and digital entertainment, but there are some key differences between the two: 1. Platform: Computer games are primarily designed to be played on personal computers or gaming consoles, whereas arcade games are typically found in dedicated arcade machines found in public places like arcades, amusement parks, or entertainment centers. 2. Hardware: Computer games are played using a variety of input devices such as keyboards, mice, controllers, or virtual reality headsets, depending on the game and platform. On the other hand, arcade games often feature specialized control systems like joysticks, trackballs, or light guns, specifically designed to enhance the arcade experience. 3. Accessibility: Computer games are generally more accessible and widely available since they can be played on various platforms, including personal computers, gaming consoles, and even mobile devices. Arcade games, however, are typically confined to specific physical locations, making them less accessible to players unless they visit those dedicated venues. 4. Gameplay Experience: Arcade games often focus on providing quick and intense gameplay experiences, encouraging players to engage in short bursts of intense competition and high-score chasing. Computer games, on the other hand, may offer a wider range of experiences, including both short sessions and more extended, immersive gameplay with complex storylines, character development, and exploration. 5. Social Interaction: Arcade games traditionally fostered a more social gaming experience due to their physical nature and multiplayer capabilities. People could gather around arcade cabinets and compete or collaborate with friends or strangers in the same physical space. While computer games also offer multiplayer options, they often rely on online connectivity and remote interactions. 6. Game Selection: The game selection in computer games tends to be vast, covering various genres and catering to a wide range of interests. Players can choose from an extensive library of titles, including both indie and mainstream games. Arcade games, on the other hand, generally have a more limited selection, with a focus on fast-paced action, sports, racing, and classic arcade-style gameplay. In summary, computer games offer a more diverse and accessible gaming experience across various platforms, while arcade games provide a unique and nostalgic atmosphere with specialized hardware and intense, quick gameplay sessions in dedicated physical locations. Both have their own distinct appeal, catering to different preferences and gaming contexts. Explore APIKAY for free games